Dian Ratna Suri, Isjoni Isjoni, Zulfan Saam


This research generally aims to provide an overview of the implementation of
school self-evaluation (EDS) at junior high schools in the District Bantan Bengkalis district.
Based on the observation that researchers do, there are problems associated with the
implementation of the EDS program in some of the junior high school in sub Bantan: 1)
Understanding teachers and parents will EDS program is still low due to lack of socialization; 2)
Components of schools do not have the time to implement EDS EDS considered that the additional
burden of school; and 3) Charging EDS instruments are not in accordance with the existing
conditions. This research uses evaluation methods Goal Attaiment developed by Tyler in 1950.
The study was the evaluation study, the research describes the problems associated with the
implementation of school self-evaluation (EDS) in Junior High School District Bantan.
Components that are evaluated include: Implementation of the EDS program, Constraints and
challenges in the implementation of EDS, and the impact of the implementation of the EDS
program. Techniques and Procedures collection DataPada this research through the study of
documents, observation and interviews. Data and Data Sources, Data used in this study is a
schematic, narrative, description and explanation of data from informants either orally or data in
the form of a written document. Factors driving the implementation of the EDS internally is (1)
HR; (2) coordination between stakeholders; (3) communication and a sense of family among
the school community, externally is the support of the Department of Education and Culture and
the motivation of LPMP. Internally inhibiting factor is (1) saturation with EDS instruments; (2)
short time; (3) lack of understanding of teachers, externally are (1) changes in the system and
EDS instruments and (2) the number of inquiries on the instrument. Impact of EDS among
others (a) facilitate the school in making RKS / RKAS and (b), enables schools to identify
deficiencies, the excess will be the performance of the school, the strength of the school to be
developed as well as the challenges faced by the school. EDS benefits include (a) a school can
have a data base for the development and improvement of quality in the future, (b) the results of
EDS used the school to encourage schools to improve and enhance the quality and performance
of the school. Follow-up of the school is based on the results of EDS is the repair, improvement
and development of appropriate school performance 8 SNP.


school self-evaluation (eds), junior high schools

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jmppk.2.1.p.150-156


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