Indra Wahyuni, Isjoni Isjoni, Zulfan Saam


This research aims to determine the quality management strategy at SMK
Kansai Pekanbaru. This research is a qualitative research. The core informant in this research
is the head of SMK Kansai Pekanbaru. As a control informant in this study are deputy principal
of curriculum, vice principal of student field, vice principal of infrastructure, vice principal of
public relations, teacher, school committee and student. Data collection techniques are done
through observation, interview and documentation study. Researchers also conducted
triangulation to compare observational data with data obtained from interviews and
documentation. Then data obtained analyzed by using qualitative data analysis of interactive
model consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The result of the research
shows that: (1) The quality management strategy that is planned, compiled and implemented
SMK Kansai Pekanbaru in order to improve the quality of education is referring to the Total
Quality Management (TQM) model, (2) The implementation process the principal supervises
each month and performs Evaluation on an ongoing basis to see how much the level of
achievement of the quality management strategy has been planned, (3) Factors supporting the
implementation process of quality management strategy at SMK Kansai Pekanbaru is the
educator who qualified S1 and S2 students according to the qualifications of the field he taught,
(4) The process of implementation of quality management strategy at SMK Kansai Pekanbaru
there are also inhibiting factors, there are still some teachers who do not want to cooperate in
the case of improving the quality of school (5) To overcome the principal obstacle factors can
overcome by giving rewards to teachers who discipline and carry out their main duties well in
order to improve the quality of school.


Quality management strategy, vocational high school, total quality management

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