IMPLEMENTASI PERMENPAN NOMOR 16 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG JABATAN FUNGSIONAL GURU DAN ANGKA KREDIT (Studi Kasus pada Kenaikan Pangkat dan Dampaknya Bagi Guru SDN di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak )

Reni Reni, Rr. Sri Kartikowati, Nurpit Junus


The objective of this study was to analyze the implementation of ‘Permenpan
and Birokrasi’ No. 16/2009 on Teachers’ Functional Position and their credit points and its
impacts on elementary school teachers’ career development at state elementary schools (SDNs)
in Kandis Sub-district, Siak District. The study focused on (1) teachers’ understanding of the
content of the ministerial decree, (2) the procedures of teacher promotion in accordance with
the ministerial decree, (3) the impacts of the implementation of the ministerial decree on the
teacher promotion. The study employed the qualitative approach with descriptive method and
the data were collected using interview, observation and documentation. The interview data
indicated that more than fifty percent of the government employed teachers did not understood
the contents of the ministerial decree because they were not much kept informed by the
government through the department concerned. Half of the remaining respondents did not
bother about their promotion. The findings of the research also showed that a small number of
teachers understood the contents of the ministerial decree but they found it difficult to deal with
the promotion process. The Ministerial Decree for Empowerment of National Apparatus and
Bureaucracy No. 16/2009 has given a positive impact on teachers’ promotion and career
development and also has given a negative impact on the teachers’ career development in the
form of no payment for their professional allowance and the postponement of promotion within
six years.


Implementation, ministerial decree, impact

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